Better Dead
- BETTER DEAD - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on a 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in the book, "Whispers in the Night," by Basil Copper.
I don't like stories, or movies, about "the living dead". In 1934 when I was 4 years old I was among a bunch of neighborhood kids sitting on the wooden floor of the nearby YMCA auditorium watching a free, scary movie, "Frankenstein," made in 1931, starring Boris Karloff.
When the movie started all the kids were excited and nervous, we were all anticipating the horrible sight of Frankenstein, and when he was just about to appear on screen a number of kids screamed, jumped up and began running out of the auditorium, and so did I, scared as hell! In fact, I passed them all as I ran home.
Compared to scary movies that they make today, Boris Karloff's 1931 "Frankenstein" is a pussy-cat! But back in the 1930s, people were not accustomed to seeing the kind of horror that we see nowadays on TV and in the movies. Several people died of heart attacks watching Franky in 1931.
It didn't take long before I mustered up the courage to watch scary movies, but ever since that early "Frankenstein" experience I have disliked horror movies that feature "Dead Men Walking," I am not entertained by the animated dead. And I am surprised that so many people do enjoy books and movies about vampires and zombies.
To illustrate this story, I had to read it. Here is my presentation of dead Franky and his dead bride. Ugh!
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